Friday, February 24, 2012

Stereologists continue to develop tools

anabolic nutrition

Various animal models have been proposed as a model of emphysema, these critically discussed in this article, in terms of stereologist. In addition, stereolohicheskoho design to quantify experimentally induced emphysema is proposed. Based on the generally accepted definition of emphysema BЂњabnormal be continued expansion of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of their walls, BЂ "quantitative morphology is the only method which reliably assess the presence of emphysema. Recognizing this, a thorough review of animal models based on instillation of elastase, genetic changes that inhaling smoke or induction of apoptosis, indicates that the criteria and definition of emphysema were shown surprisingly little. Some aspects of the proposed be crucial for understanding human animal models of emphysema. For example, genetic furosemide models that rely on inhibition of the formation of alveoli during postnatal alveolarisation be clearly distinguished from models based on the loss of mature alveoli after alveolarisation completed. In addition, inhalation patterns, characterized by exposed animals show severe loss of body weight should carefully examine the relative contribution of intervention and weight loss, respectively. Models based on the impact of juvenile animals for several weeks or even months, to be taken into account the effects of normal lung growth and aging. Stereolohiya offers the appropriate tools with which quantitative parameters related to the assessment of development and regeneration of emphysema. Stereologists continue to develop tools that help establish the authenticity of existing and new models. If inappropriate parameters are still used to assess animal models of emphysema, thinking and resources most likely wrong and models may limit rather than expand understanding of human emphysema and development of new treatments. .

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